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I create dthis one from my heart. I want to help you navigate this time in life with as much ease as you can AND enjoy your next half of life!

The tips are so simple you might think there is no way they can help.

Do not underestimate simplicity! Try them out and let me know.

And remember the workbook. You can download it here:

PS: Here are the extras I mention:

Private Coaching when you are ready for the ultimate, exclusive experience: Life Coaching with Laura

Hacking Happiness: A Life Coaching Quick Start: Just give me 5 days. Hacking Happiness

I create dthis one from my heart. I want to help you navigate this time in life with as much ease as you can AND enjoy your next half of life!

The tips are so simple you might think there is no way they can help.

Do not underestimate simplicity! Try them out and let me know.

And remember the workbook. You can download it here:

PS: Here are the extras I mention:

Private Coaching when you are ready for the ultimate, exclusive experience: Life Coaching with Laura

Hacking Happiness: A Life Coaching Quick Start: Just give me 5 days. Hacking Happiness

Check out the SIMPLY :: clean

the 14-day life reset

If you want to join me on my journey, whether you are in perimenopause or not, check out the reset I’ll be doing regularly each month.

READ: ONE Thing Holds You Back From Manifesting Success

Have you ever wondered why, just when things seem to be going well, you find a way to bring yourself back down? Why it feels like joy has an invisible ceiling, preventing you from truly experiencing it in abundance?

Well, today we’re going to dive into the topic of the *Joy Ceiling*, why it matters, and more importantly, how to break through it. By the end of this post, you’ll have a deeper understanding of how to raise your vibration, embrace radical self-care, and unlock the fullness of joy that’s waiting for you on the other side.

But first, let me share the thing that most people miss: it’s the *Joy Ceiling*. And trust me, this is a game-changer! So what is it, why is it an issue, and how can you break through it? Let’s start unraveling this mystery.


What Is the Joy Ceiling?

Imagine you’re finally in a flow state – work is going well, your relationships are thriving, and you feel light and happy. But then, out of nowhere, something shifts. You start feeling uncomfortable with all this happiness and subconsciously, you do something to sabotage it. That’s the *Joy Ceiling*.

The Joy Ceiling is this invisible limit we place on ourselves where we are only comfortable experiencing so much joy before we self-sabotage. It might sound far-fetched at first, but let’s take a closer look

For example, think about an area in your life where you’ve tried to manifest something significant: weight loss, financial freedom, or a great relationship. Do you find yourself in a cycle?

Maybe you lose the weight, only to gain it back. You pay off the debt, only to accumulate more. Your relationships flourish, but you end up pushing the person away. It’s the same cycle, but with different faces. So when have you sabotaged the joy in your life?

Here’s the thing – we manifest differently in different areas of our lives. And the Joy Ceiling can look different depending on what part of life we’re talking about. But once you become comfortable with the joy you’re experiencing, that ceiling starts to fade away. You allow more into your life without the fear of it being “too good to be true.”

It’s Just a Vibration

Now that we’ve uncovered the Joy Ceiling, let’s talk about why this matters so much, starting with the fact that *it’s just a vibration*. If you’ve been working with the Law of Attraction, you know that everything in our reality is energy, and energy vibrates at different frequencies. This means that if you’re aiming to manifest more joy, abundance, or love into your life, you need to raise your vibration. But here’s the catch: the Law of Vibration is even more important than the Law of Attraction.

Why? Because your vibration is the core of your energy field. The higher you can vibrate, the more aligned you become with the things you desire. But here’s where the Joy Ceiling comes back into play – you need to be comfortable *staying* at that higher vibration.


When you’re used to feeling small amounts of joy, stepping into more can feel foreign and uncomfortable. So, the real work here is in learning how to become comfortable with a higher vibration and accepting more good into your life.

Radical Self-Care: The Key to Breaking Through

So, how do we raise our vibration and break through this Joy Ceiling? The answer lies in *Radical Self-Care*. And before you roll your eyes thinking I’m talking about bubble baths and pedicures, hold on! While those are great, Radical Self-Care goes much deeper.

Taking great care of yourself is about more than just surface-level pampering. It’s about raising your vibration and sending a powerful message to the universe that you are worthy of receiving all the joy and abundance that’s out there for you. When you practice self-care consistently, you train yourself to feel more comfortable in that higher vibration, and soon, what used to feel “too good” becomes your new normal.

But it’s not just about feeling better. Radical Self-Care helps you fall in love with the life you’re living. And that’s actually step one of the three fundamentals to a truly happy life. Because the more you love your life, the more aligned you become with the things you want to manifest.


What Can You Do Right Now?

So, how can you start breaking through your Joy Ceiling today? Here are a few ideas:

  • Upgrade your self-care practices: Don’t assume that what worked in the past is what will work now. And don’t just copy what others are doing. Pay attention to what truly fills you up and makes you feel better.
  • Be proactive and strategic: Create a self-care plan that’s specific to you. This plan should be proactive, meaning you’re doing it whether you think you need it or not, and strategic, so you’re using your time wisely. Your self-care should fill you up in exactly the way you need, ensuring that you’re never running on empty.

Remember, Radical Self-Care means taking care of yourself in a way that radically shifts your energy and life. It’s about taking actions that are fundamentally different from what society teaches us. Even a small amount of intentional self-care is seen as radical in today’s world, but taking *great* care of yourself? That’s revolutionary.

And when you do this, it’s one of the most pivotal things you can do for your manifesting practice. By tending to your vibration and aligning with the energy of joy and abundance, you break through the invisible barriers and allow more goodness to flow into your life.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to smash that Joy Ceiling and embrace the life you deserve.

Want More Support?

Private Life Coaching:

For the ultimate, exclusive experience, check out private coaching with me. I usually have room for 2-3 new clients each month. You can learn more here.

hacking happiness:

Hacking happiness is my Life Coaching Quick Start course. Receive the first few steps for enjoying your life more. Learn more here.

Not ready to invest in yourself?

Totally understand! Grab this FREE ebook and watch for follow up emails and I’ll help you get started! 

WATCH: ONE Thing Holds You Back From Manifesting Success

And here is the video version! 🙂

I always share more personal stories in the video / podcast, in case you are wondering. The blog post is more to the point. I get chatty when I’m, well, chatting!

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LISTEN: ONE Thing Holds You Back From Manifesting Success

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