Ignite Your Life Coaching Podcast
with MuseLaura
Ready to Ignite Your Life? To find that EXTRAORDINARY LIFE you know you have deep inside? Welcome to Inspirational Life Coaching with author, inspirational speaker and experienced Life Coach, Laura Erdman-Luntz. Laura brings 30 years of coaching experience to her podcast, sharing knowledge and time-tested techniques that have helped hundreds of clients live more satisfying lives. If you are ready to step into YOUR Extraordinary Life, that life that is deeply fulfilling, full of purpose and vibrantly joyful for you, then let’s get started!
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#66: Hacking Happiness Quick Tip
This super quick tip was given to me by my Life Coaching mentor 30 years ago. I still use it! It’s a powerful tool to have in your tool kit!
#65: Hacking Happiness – It’s an Inside Job!
“Happiness is an inside job.”
Yep, thanks, but HOW DO I DO IT?
We all deserve more happiness AND, for students of the Law of Attraction, we learn it’s one of the first steps we need to take. Ready to start feeling better TODAY!
#64: 5 Surprising Reasons Why You AREN’T Achieving Your Goals – and How You Can
Yes, part can always be attributed to the level of difficulty of the goal – but not as much as you might think.
In this episode, I share 5 surprising reasons why you might not achieve a goal – and what you can do to improve your chances of success.
Podcast #63: The Power of One Small Change
Feel like you need to make a sweeping change in your life but can’t muster the energy?
Do not underestimate the power of one SMALL change in your life. It can make all the difference!
Plus, I share some stories from my own weight loss journey over the past few months.
#62: Finding Joy Within: Feeling Better Regardless of Life Circumstances
Do you wish your life circumstances would change so you could feel better? Learn 6 quickies you can tap into to help you feel better – even good!
#61: Tangible Tip for Strengthening Your Willpower
Have you ever wished you had more will power? We ALL HAVE!
Here’s the thing: willpower can be maximized – and fairly easily.
In this episode, I share a really tangible way to maximize your energy for willpower: through systems.
#60: Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time
Long ago I read a book that literally changed everything for me: The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Lohr and Tony Schwartz.
In a nutshell, time management is dead, it’s all about energy management. There is far too much on our plates these days to even think we could manage our time well enough. We need to focus on managing our energy.The concepts I learned changed everything for me.
In this podcast episode, I share the most important point that I learned from the book that has really stuck with me and it is something you can begin to use today!
In a nutshell: Be sure to do the right thing at the right time.
#59: 3 Tips for Turning Disappointment from “Failure” Into Excitement!
Hey, how does saying the word “fail” feel to you? Not so great, eh? I get it!
Here’s the thing, to me, it’s the 4-letter f word. Honestly, it doesn’t serve us at all to even have this word in our vernacular so I want to use this episode to unpack that a bit and help you get a new perspective. I even have 3 tangible steps you can take when that ugly feeling comes a-knocking on your door.
#58: 2 Quick Tips for a Realistic AND Satisfying To Do List
Ready for a SATISFYING to-do list? I made a few changes to HOW I make lists – & it has made all the difference! Super easy – start now!
#57:The Busy Breakthrough: 5 Techniques to Ditch the Crazy Busy Lifestyle
Tired of feeling “crazy busy” all of the time? What if I told you you could change that?
Stick with me. In this episode, I share with you 5 steps you can take to create more time in your life! Along the way, I challenge 2 beliefs!
#56: Should You Quit? Honestly? Maybe…
Sound funny coming out of a Life Coach? I know.
But sometimes we aren’t following the right dream and quitting is just what we need.
In this episode, I share with you a few ways to check in with yourself to see if quitting is the right thing for you.
#55: When Life Gets Hard
Life can get hard sometimes. It happens to all of us. And when it’s hard, you need to shift from manifesting to self-care and cutting back.
In this episode I share 7 tips for what to do when life gets hard.
This show is dedicated to Sandra, a listener who reached out to me on Instagram with this question:
“While I love what you talk about, I feel like I can’t implement anything.
The stress is so hard in my life right now, I feel like just getting through the day is all I can muster.
What do I do when life is hard?”
I hope this helps you!
#54: How to Never Second Guess a Decision Again
Ever second guess a decision you made? I think we have all had that experience at one time or another and it doesn’t feel good at all!
Second guessing can come in all sizes from simply regretting what you had for lunch to regretting a major life choice such as marriage or moving to a new geographical area.
BUT I have good news – there’s a way to stop doing it. Or, at least, make it less of an issue.
#53: Body Hacks: Unlocking the Subconscious through Our Body
Your body reflects our subconscious mind.
Think about it.
If we spend 95% of our time in our subconscious, what do you think your body responds to most of the time?
And that means we can change what is going on in our subconscious mind with how we hold our body.
In this episode, I shed light on what I’m talking about here and then a few tips for you on how to tap into this!
Podcast #52: Don’t Stop Until You Find What You Really, Really, Really, REALLY Want!
Chances are your dream is what you THINK you can get, not what you REALLY want!
Listen in. I have some ideas on how to inspire yourself to KEEP DIGGING!
#51: Quick Tip: When Will NOW be the Right Time to Start?
Where are you stuck? Where do you keep putting off your next step?
“The kids are too young.”
“The business is too busy”
“I can’t afford it.”
So, when will be NOW be the right time to start?
#50: 5 Tips to Power Up Your Affirmations
Affirmations – yay or nay?
While they have come in and out of vogue over the past 30+ years I have been a Life Coach, I firmly believe they can be a potent variable in our personal growth.
BUT they have to be done well.
In this episode, I share 5 ways to power up your affirmations so they really make a difference.
#49: Quick Tip for Feeling BOLD & BRAVE & More – AND It’s FAST!!
What if there was ONE simple position for moving through fear and other negative emotions?
You can use this ONE position – which you can do anytime, anywhere – to help you build JOY, CONFIDENCE, CONNECTION, LOVE, GRATITUDE
Would you want to learn it? Of course you would!
#48: The Power of Clarity: Why Finding a Life Vision Matters
You need a vision! And, if you have one, you just might need to make it bigger.
In this episode, I want to INSPIRE you. Let’s look at WHY you want a vision (there are 3 reasons), why there is always an even BIGGER vision (there are 2 reasons) AND I want to give you the starting point.
Oh, and do you think it’s too late? Then you really need to listen because I have the stories for you!
#47: Manifesting for Beginners
Manifesting, have you heard of it? Wondered what it was? Or started to look into it but got lost? This episode is all about the getting started or taking the next steps.
Learn what manifesting IS and what it ISN’T.
Ready to make a few changes in your life? Here’s your starting point.
#46: 3 Tangible Things to LOVE Your Life MORE
Ya gotta love the life you’re in – or at least feel more satisfied – if you are going to attract the life you really want.
In comes 3 tangible tips – things you can start today.
The first two are ones we have talked about – the 3rd is a new thought!
#45: Why We Get Stuck in Life…And How to Unstick Ourselves
We all get stuck at times in life. We have all been there at one point and maybe quite a few!
Whether it’s because you are in a job that is unsatisfying, a relationship, a physical body, or you aren’t even sure WHAT it is, it starts to feel like you are living Groundhog’s Day, doesn’t it?
It can be a bit too easy to fall into the dailiness of life, and just keep going. And that is the easy choice – staying where we are is almost always easier than change.
BUT we can change that trajectory!
In this episode, I am sharing with you tangible steps you can take when you feel stuck – and it will inspire you to change!
#44: Yoga for Manifesting: Unlocking the Power of the Law of Attraction – Part 2
Yoga is a powerful tool for powering up manifesting and the Law of Attraction. In this two-part series, I share with you just how Yoga can help you.
Part 1 :: Why Yoga helps
Part 2 :: Specifically what Yoga to add into each of the 6 steps for manifesting.
I discussed the 6 steps in Episode #42 so check it out if you want more info.
#43: Yoga for Manifesting: Unlocking the Power of the Law of Attraction – Part 1
- Part 1 :: Why Yoga helps
- Part 2 :: Specifically what Yoga to add into each of the 6 steps for manifesting.
#42 – The Ultimate Guide to the Law of Attraction: 6 Steps for Manifesting Your Dreams
I have taught Law of Attraction for almost 15 years and I have culled it to 6 very tangible and specific steps to help you embrace this Universal Law. These 6 steps comprise my flagship program: Five Steps (+1) for Living Your Extraordinary Life. Listen in and take the next step in YOUR life!
#41: Law of Attraction 101 – It’s Just Common Sense
Law of Attraction 101 – the basics but also simply common sense! Learn how to apply vibration to how you can invite awesome things into your life!
#39: Vibration 101 & How to Use It to Feel GREAT!
Vibration” is a powerful tool to tap into to help ourselves feel better. It’s so amazing! Listen in and also check out episode #40 for a quick tip on how to tap into your Vibration to help yourselv feel better quickly.
AND, the extra:
#40: Quick Tip – How to Feel Good Quickly
#38: New Year’s Resolutions Aren’t For Fixing What’s Wrong
Number one mistake people make with resolutions: They focus on what they don’t like about their lives and set their resolutions around fixing that thing.
Resolutions aren’t for fixing what’s wrong with your life
So what ARE resolutions for?
That’s what we are discussing in this episode – and it will make you so much more excited about resolutions! In fact, if you have given up on them, you will be back!
#37: Why Self-Care is the Crucial FIRST to Your NEXT Step in Manifesting
Need a strong next step?
Whether you are feeling stuck or ready for your next big manifesting leap, self care is where to begin!
In this episode, Laura explores 3 reasons why not matter where you are struggling in your manifesting journey, self-care is a great place to start!
#36: 3 Tips to Maximize Decision Making Energy
Opening our minds is a powerful tool for transformation – and happiness.
Here are 7 habits you can incorporate into your life to help you expand your mind and raise your consciousness.
#35: 7 Habits to Help You Open Your Mind
Opening our minds is a powerful tool for transformation – and happiness.
Here are 7 habits you can incorporate into your life to help you expand your mind and raise your consciousness.
#34: Simple Description of “Consciousness”
“Consciousness” is one of those words that conjures up images of “woo woo-ness”. Giggle. You know what I mean.
BUT the concept is crucial to our own personal growth.
In this episode I share a REALLY easy way to think about consciousness.
Join me in episode #35 when I share 6 ways to increase your consciousness. It’s so good!
#33: Life Coaching Quick Tip: When You Promise Yourself You’ll Do Something “Everyday”
This week’s Life Coaching Quick Tip just might be a game changer…
It’s a quick listen. Enjoy!
#32: 3 Steps To Make Sure You Don’t GIVE UP on Your Goals/Resolutions
It’s the second week of January. According to one study, about 86% of all New Year’s Resolutions have already been forgotten.
So what can you do to make sure you don’t forget yours?
In this episode, I share a really important tip everyone needs to use – and it will surprise you!
#31: Best Practices for New Year’s Resolutions
I asked you what your questions were around New Year’s Resolutions. I received a TON of questions and I found most questions came down to 4 things…then I added a 5th that is crucial
Be sure to check out all the episodes I have done on resolutions (yep, I LOVE them!)
- #5: Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work…and How They Can
- #6: 6 Steps to Setting New Year’s Resolutions from the Heart
- #30: Resolutions – So Much More Than You Think
- #31: Best Practices for New Year’s Resolutions
And, when January comes around…and your excitement has waned, check this one out:
#7: New Year’s Resolutions: Keep. Going. Pep Talk
#30: Resolutions – So Much More Than You Think
Whether you are pro New Year’s Resolutions are not, there is another important purpose of them to consider…and it can make all the difference.
#29: Tips for Strategic Radical Self-Care – Let’s Get Started!
Ready to take your self-care to the next level? How about making it RADICAL? In this episode, I share what that means and where you can begin. Enjoy!
#28: A Powerful Quote that Changed How I Fill My Time
In this episode, I share how a quote I heard a few months ago that has had me thinking ever since — and reallocating how I spend my time!
I hope it helps you, too!
#27: QuickTip: Best Gratitude Practice Ever!
My husband and I began this practice when our kids were little. We wanted them to go to sleep with gratitude on their hearts.
We now do it regularly for ourselves as we crawl into bed at night. It’s a great way to reconnect and go to sleep with gratitude on our hearts. 🙂
#26: My Adult ADHD Diagnosis – Taking Meds as a Natural Living Expert
A slightly different episode for me. AND it’s definitely part of Living MY Extraordinary Life – and it might be your story, too.
I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and I wanted to share my story – why I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 52 years old, what I have done to help myself the past 52 years to focus AND why I chose medication even as a natural living expert. It seems like you either use meds OR natural living meds. Let me share my story.
#25 – The Power of a Wellness Challenge to Change a Habit
Challenges – we see them everywhere. 3-day, 7-day, 30-day, for losing weight, drinking more water, eating a Whole30 diet, saying your affirmations, meditating and so much more.
Frankly, I LOVE them and have been leading people in wellness challenges for more than a decade – yep, before they were popular!
I even created an entire FB group to do them with other women.
In this podcast I share why Challenges are a fantastic tool to help you create change in your life and it’s all about how your brain works. Oh, yes, there is science to challenges!
#24: Manifesting with the Phases of the Moon
Manifesting by the phases of the moon is a powerful way to bring more power to your own manifesting. In this episode, I share what you want to be doing with each phase of the moon as well as exercises for the New Moon and the Full Moon to bring more intentionality into your practice.
#23: Tangible Tips to Increase Your Energy – Part II
Ready for some tangible tips to improve your energy levels? In today’s Episode – Part 2 for improving your energy, I am sharing specific tips to improve energy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
#22: How to Increase Your Energy – Part I
Ready for more energy? And I mean your literal energy – having enough energy to get through the day without fatigue.
It is so crucial to have energy – so you can do the things you want to do in life. In this two-part series, I share ALL ABOUT our energy.
In this episode, learn about the 3 premises about our energy that you might not know…or have thought about.
#21: It’s OK to Desire – In Fact, It’s Necessary!
You are in for a TREAT!
Ever felt guilty or embarrassed by something you want? Felt like you “should” be content with what you have?
You are in for a TREAT! In this episode, I share something everyone needs to know about DESIRE!
#20: The ONE Habit that Can Change it All!
The ONE Habit that Can Change it all!
I hope so!
#19: 3 Fundamentals for a Truly Happy Life
Yes, we can narrow it down to 3 Fundamental Steps and I do so in this podcast.
#18: SUPER EASY Way to Teach Yourself How to FEEL BETTER in a Moment + #18a Quick Tip (taking it further!)
No, really, super easy.
In fact, there is a GOOD CHANCE you will roll your eyes. 🙂
Try it. Do it with a friend. Come join us in the Facebook group (Ignite Your Life with MuseLaura) – we are going to do it together.
Be sure to listen to the Quick Tip follow up episode to take it even FURTHER!
#17: 6 Steps for Creating a Morning Routine that Rocks Your Day
Are you ready to change the trajectory of your day? Morning routines can literally make or break your day.
BUT everyone needs something a bit different. Join me today as we break down how to create the morning routine that will actually set your day off on the right foot!
To help you, I created a worksheet to go with today’s episode. Go to the show notes to find the link to download.
#16: 4 Steps for Creating Your Own Supportive Bedtime Routine
When you are working on bringing more intentionality into your life, one of the first places I recommend making changes is your morning routine.. Setting the tone right away can literally make or break a day.BUT a good morning starts with an evening that allows you to wake in the morning with energy.
In this episode, I am beginning a two-part series that will look at bookending our days with intention.
This episode will cover bedtime and we will look at morning routines in episode #17.
#15: The Myths & Truths Around Stress
YEP, there is much we do not fully realize with stress.
Now that we are on the TENTH month of pandemic stress, let’s talk about what we need to be doing to protect our bodies from the dangers of stress.
Believe me, it can suppress your immune system which makes everything worse!!
#14: 7 Tips for Working from Home
I have worked from home for the past 15 years, alongside my husband and small kiddos. As we continue our handling of the pandemic and many are still working from home, I thought I would share a few tips I have used over the past decade plus that have helped me.
#13: 7 Tips for Handling Extreme Stress | The Power of Grounding
It is a super crazy time right now and stress is high. I want to share with you some really easy tips for helping you handle the craziness with a bit more ease and grace.
Grounding is a powerful tool to have in your self-care tool kit!
#12.5: BONUS: Rocking the Immune System
#12: The Power of Decluttering
Need to declutter? Probably. Everyone needs it sometimes.
In this episode, I share why decluttering is a powerful process for personal transformation AND how you can begin the decluttering process.
#10: How to Stop Settling for “Good Enough”
Here’s the thing…we all do it.
At least in some area of our life.
We ALL settle for “good enough” in some places in our lives. In this episode, we are going to explore what “good enough” looks like, why we put up with “Good Enough” THEN we will talk first steps to making sure we don’t still have only “good enough” five years from today!
If you aren’t feeling inspired enough after this episode, be sure to check Episode #9!
#9: The MOST Powerful & Inspirational Visualization EVER
#8: Do You Need Life Coaching (And the First Few Steps…)
One of the most common questions I receive is what is a life coach? Variations of that question are: How do I know if I need a life coach? What will you do with me if I hire you?
In this episode, we are going to tackle those questions and take you through the first few steps I take my clients through so you can have some tangible things to work on..
I am hoping it is an “everything you ever wanted to know, but didn’t think to ask!” Kind of podcast, but if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.
#7: New Year’s Resolutions: Keep. Going. Pep Talk
#6: 6 Steps to Setting New Year’s Resolutions from the Heart
If you listened to episode #5, you know all about why your New Year’s Resolutions might not be working and how they can.
In this episode, I take you through a 6-step process for setting your resolutions from a deeper, more transformative place.
If you are ready, I am!
Be sure to download the freebie for this episode: New Year’s Resolution Tracker. The tracker will take you through a process for setting resolutions (and I will be taking you through it in the next episode) AND there is room to track 5 years of resolutions – so you can assess each year. (Found in Show Notes!)
#5: Why New Year’s Don’t Work…and How They Can
Here’s the thing, if you are listening to this podcast, you are someone who wants change in her life. If you want change in your life, you need to decide what you want and work toward it.
That’s a resolution.
The new year is a powerful time to make changes in your life. Why do so many fail?
In this episode, I will share with you why New Year’s Resolutions don’t work and how they can! All of the points I make can be applied any time you set new goals for yourself!
Be sure to download the freebie for this episode: New Year’s Resolution Tracker. The tracker will take you through a process for setting resolutions (and I will be taking you through it in the next episode) AND there is room to track 5 years of resolutions – so you can assess each year. (Found in Show Notes!)
#4: Self-Care Especially During the Holidays
I think it is time to talk SELF-CARE. It’s a Hot topic. So much so it’s almost overused.
But here’s the thing: We need to talk about it because so few people are actually doing enought of it. Ahem…me, for example, and I know better!
So in today’s episode, we are going to talk about WHAT self-care is, WHY we need to have plenty of it in our lives (and you are going to love this!) AND HOW to do it really well.
I will also be sharing with you a few tips on how to create a self-care plan for yourself.
But not just ANY self-care, we are talking EXTREME self-care today! Intrigued? I hope so!
#3: What do you Really, Really, Really, REALLY Want?:
Soooo…what do you really, really, really, REALLY want? Do you know?
In this show, Laura shares with you four specific exercises you can do to tap into your inner desires. (It’s probably closer than you think!)
AND enjoy the download for a workbook to help!: LauraErdmanLuntz.com/Podcast. Scroll down to show #3!
This week: The power of antioxidants and Young Living’s Ningxia Red drink. Want to order it? You can order a Young Living starter kit with Ningxia Red!
#2: Gratitude…the most important shift you can ever make!
In this episode, we are talking gratitude.
In episode #1, I talked about the 2 things you need to live a truly satisfying life. And when I say “satisfying”, where I am really going is truly Extraordinary. You know, the kind of life that lets you look back on it, with a wry smile, and be able to say with genuine feeling, “That was a life well lived.”
The first thing you need, and order is important, is gratitude. In fact, we need to fall madly in love with the life we are already living.
Yep, you heard me. In love, warts and all.
Does that sound hard? It doesn’t have to be!
In today’s episode, we are going to look at many sides of gratitude and share a few perspectives that I bet you haven’t considered.
#1: Two Things You Need to Live a Truly Satisfying Life:
So excited to share with you all about living a TRULY SATISFYING LIFE!
It’s time, don’t you think? If you want to make changes in your life, you might as well make them EXTRAORDINARY! Not just “good enough” or the “best I can hope for.” It’s all about finding your EXTRAORDINARY LIFE, that life that is deeply fulfilling, full of purpose and vibrantly joyful for YOU! In this show, I define what Living an Extraordinary Life is, dispel two myths AND share what the two things you need are!

Laura Erdman-Luntz
Inspired Living Guru
Inspiring Life Coach + Yoga Educator
Let Laura inspire you to step into YOUR Extraordinary Life! Enjoy the life you are already living AND feel the excitement about the Big Dream that you are creating!
Laura uniquely blends her Life Coaching knowledge and vast experience with Yoga to create programs, classes and workshops that truly do bring mind and body together for positive change, inspiring people to live their most authentic life.