Honestly, this pose is SO POWERFUL for building courage and “umph” in your life.
If you’ve followed me for awhile, you know I call it the “I deserve this dammit!” factor. 🙂
The essence of all the “warrior” poses is being a warrior over your own little ego – in other words your fears and whatever is holding you back.
Using these poses with incredible intention and purpose will help you step through your fears with grace.
AND, you need to do them well. If you are simply “hanging out” in them, it won’t work. BUT if you engage the legs well and then the upper body, stimulating the third chakra, magic. Really.
In my first Warrior video, I shared 2 tips for engaging the legs. You can find that one here: 2 Tips for Legs.
In this week’s video, I talk about the upper body – and share why stimulating the third chakra is a good thing!
Let me know what you think!
xo, Laura
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