#4: Self-Care Especially During the Holiday Season
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Welcome to episode #4 of the Inspirational Life Coaching Podcast with MuseLaura. And I think it is time to talk SELF-CARE.
It’s a Hot topic. So much so it’s almost overused.
But here’s the thing: We need to talk about it because so few people are actually doing enought of it. Ahem…me, for example, and I know better!
With life going so fast these days, it’s hard to find time in our hectic schedules for ourselves, especially during the holidays! And when we do have a bit of space, we feel like we should be doing something else so we can’t relax, or we fill the space with mindless drivel such as our FB feed or a Netflix binge, not with activities that actually fill us up!
So in today’s episode, we are going to talk about WHAT self-care is, WHY we need to have plenty of it in our lives (and you are going to love this!) AND HOW to do it really well.
I will also be sharing with you a few tips on how to create a self-care plan for yourself.
But not just ANY self-care, we are talking EXTREME self-care today! Intrigued? I hope so!
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Laura Erdman-Luntz
Inspired Living Guru
Inspiring Life Coach + Yoga Educator
Let Laura inspire you to step into YOUR Extraordinary Life! Enjoy the life you are already living AND feel the excitement about the Big Dream that you are creating!
Laura uniquely blends her Life Coaching knowledge and vast experience with Yoga to create programs, classes and workshops that truly do bring mind and body together for positive change, inspiring people to live their most authentic life.