YouTube: Balanced Weight in Mountain Pose | Yoga with Laura

Stress and anxiety are among the most common reasons people struggle to get a good night’s sleep. Fortunately, yoga offers a natural solution to help your mind and body unwind, allowing you to achieve deeper, more restful sleep. Yoga for relaxation involves gentle poses, breathwork, and mindfulness techniques that calm the nervous system and release tension, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Incorporating a few simple yoga practices into your nightly routine can significantly improve your sleep quality. The good news is that you don’t need to be an expert yoga practitioner to experience the benefits. Whether you’re a beginner or someone with more yoga experience, these practices are accessible and effective.


1. Gentle Stretching to Release Tension

A great place to start is by focusing on the areas where most of us hold stressβ€”our shoulders and neck. Tightness in these areas can cause discomfort and restlessness during the night. Gentle yoga stretches, such as neck rolls, shoulder shrugs, and child’s pose, are perfect for releasing built-up tension. These simple movements help relax tight muscles, encouraging a deeper sense of calm as you prepare for bed.


2. Stimulating the Vagus Nerve for Deep Relaxation

The vagus nerve plays a crucial role in regulating your body’s relaxation response. When stimulated, it helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting a state of rest and digest, which is essential for deep relaxation.

In this video, you’ll learn a few super simple techniques for toning your vagus nerve.


3. Savasana (Relaxation Pose)

Savasana, also known as relaxation pose, is one of the most effective yoga poses for promoting relaxation. This pose involves lying flat on your back with your arms and legs relaxed, focusing on letting go of any remaining tension in your body. In Savasana, the key is to practice relaxed breathing and allow your mind to drift away from daily stressors. The simplicity of this pose makes it a perfect addition to your bedtime routine.


4. Using Essential Oils for Enhanced Relaxation

Pairing yoga with essential oils is a wonderful way to deepen your relaxation. Scents like lavender, chamomile, and sandalwood have calming properties that can enhance the effects of your yoga practice. You can apply a drop or two of essential oil to your temples, wrists, or simply diffuse it in your bedroom while practicing gentle yoga stretches or breathing exercises. This creates a peaceful environment that helps your mind and body transition into sleep mode.

I really like grounding oils for relaxation. Tree oils are fantastic. My fave oils from my brand partner are Valor and Sacred Mountain. You can buy them here: Essential Oils. (I added a few others I love you might want.)


Conclusion: More Techniques in the Video

Incorporating yoga into your nightly routine can be a game-changer for reducing stress and improving sleep quality. By gently stretching to release tension in your shoulders and neck, stimulating the vagus nerve, practicing Savasana, and using essential oils, you can create a powerful ritual for relaxation. Enjoy this video to help you deepen your sleep!

With consistent practice, yoga can become your go-to tool for unwinding and setting the stage for a night of deep, restful sleep.




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Check out my 12-video, Complete Beginner Yoga Series

Get essential oils I mentioned in the video: Essential Oils

(Peri)Menopause playlist to check out: YouTube Playlist


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Check out the other videos in this series:
πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Menopause Survival Guide: My Personal Struggles + 3 Crucial Insights
πŸ‘‰πŸΌ 5 Wellness Secrets for Women in Midlife
πŸ‘‰πŸΌ 5 Mindset Shifts for Mid Life that Will Change Everything!

Resources mentioned:
πŸ’š How to start cleaning up toxins from your home: 3 Simple Changes – Make a Huge Difference on Your Body
πŸ’š Blog Post: My Perimenopause Journey | My Thrive Year


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