#14: 7 Tips for Working from Home
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This week: Young Living Peppermint Oil
Here’s what I use:
Order your Young Living starter kit & join my community: http://tinyurl.com/YLMuseLaura
Sign up for the Essential Oils FREE Ecourse: https://www.LauraErdmanLuntz.com/eo.
More about the Starter Kits: http://lauraerdmanluntz.com/getting-started-with-your-oils/
Amazon store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-6cac49f6
Order your starter kit & join my community: http://tinyurl.com/YLMuseLaura
#30DayDeclutter – Join me LIVE on 3/7!
YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/LELYouTubeTV
Ignite community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MuseLaura/
YEO Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/YogaEOGroup/
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Laura Erdman-Luntz
Inspired Living Guru
Inspiring Life Coach + Yoga Educator
Let Laura inspire you to step into YOUR Extraordinary Life! Enjoy the life you are already living AND feel the excitement about the Big Dream that you are creating!
Laura uniquely blends her Life Coaching knowledge and vast experience with Yoga to create programs, classes and workshops that truly do bring mind and body together for positive change, inspiring people to live their most authentic life.