Years ago I had a Yoga student who said she was no longer going to use a blanket in Sukhasana. She felt it made it too easy and she wanted to feel like she was working.
Honestly, those words made me think for a very long time. I was thinking about what it means to be “too easy” and do I really need to feel like I am working all the time?
I love it when something that seems small helps me really dig into my head and heart.
I finally realized – ummm…it’s literally called Easy Cross-Legged Pose. I always teach that the names of poses often indicate what they are to do for us. Mountain – feel strong and able to face the world like a Mountain; Tree – legs reach down as arms reach up – we need to be grounded as we reach for our dreams.
Why would this pose be any different?
It’s SUPPOSED to be easy!
AND it also came down to anatomy.
I love props, when they are called for. They help us stay aligned so we can find more ease in a pose.
In this week’s video, I share a bit of the anatomy behind this pose – and why a blanket really is warranted.
Let me know what you think!
xo, Laura
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