SIMPLY :: the wellness podcast

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SIMPLY :: the wellness podcast
SIMPLY :: solutions: Tips & Tools for Deep Relaxation
We ALL need a dose of relaxation. Stress affects every system of our body. Every. Single. One.
BUT you need to truly relax, not just numb out with a glass of wine or vegging in front of the TV or taking a nap.
You need to stimulate the Relaxation Response.
Learn 3 tools for doing so in this episode and 3 products we personally use to help us unwind and truly relax.
SIMPLY :: the wellness podcast
Habit Hacks: Want to Incorporate a New Habit? Try a Challenge!
Wellness Challenges, you see them EVERYWHERE. 10-day hydration challenge, 30-day meditation challenge, Whole30, 3-day self-care challenge.
Are they helpful or a hoax?
I will tell you straight up – I LOVE THEM! And there is a reason why! In fact, it has to do with how your brain is wired.
In this podcast, I share a bevy of goodies:
- WHY challenges are easier on the brain. (I guarantee you will resonate with this one!)
- 4 benefits of a challenge – it makes so much sense!
- 3 outcomes that can happen from a challenge
- And how to make your challenges easier!