Essential Oils E-Course: Just the Basics
NOTE: This course is an offering from my wellness community: SIMPLY :: the wellness place. The course lives here on my website and on my community website. Follow up emails will send you to the wellness place website. Feel free to ask if you have questions!
We are so excited to share our passion with you. These essential oils and oil-infused products have literally changed our lives in so many areas, and we can’t wait for you to learn more. In this course, we share with you the basics so you can get started!
The whole video series is only 16 minutes. We wanted to make it super quick, BUT with all the most important info for you. And we made it even easier by summarizing each video as well – so you can watch OR read.
PLUS – grab the emails, if you haven’t already, by signing up below. It’s only FIVE emails and each has more info for you AND gorgeous printables in every email! NOTE: These emails come from my Wellness Community, SIMPLY :: the wellness place, so look for: {SIMPLY} in the subject line of the emails.
Here’s the essence of what we want you to know:
Essential oils are powerful tools in your wellness tool kit.
They are super easy to incorporate into your busy life.
They power up everyday products that you already use.
(Stay tuned – you’ll get what we mean!)
And you are not alone – we are here to help you!
#1: Why Do We Care?
(1 min)
Quick summary
- Did you know that there are essential oils that support every system in the human body? We are talking digestive, reproductive, nervous, skin, skeletal, every system.
- AND they are so easy to use! Here, at the wellness place, we are all about finding things that are easy to tap into to support our wellness!
#2: What are Essential Oils…in a Nutshell
(1 min)
Quick summary
- To super simplify it, oils are the essence of the plant, the blood, if you will. The essential oil carries nutrients for the plant.
- And these nutrients have been found to be beneficial for us, too!
#3: Does Purity Matter with Essential Oils?
(3 min)
Quick summary
- Honestly? Purity is everything. Yes, you see oils everywhere nowadays, at all price points, but oils are NOT created equally.
- And it’s the nutrients found in the oils that help us, not the aroma (as we mentioned in Video #2).
- It’s like comparing strawberry jello to freshly picked, organic strawberries. You know there aren’t the same nutrients in the jello as there are in the strawberries AND you probably also know there are dangerous things in the jello – like red food dye.
- The same is true for oils.
#4: How to Use the 6 Oils in the Starter Bundle
(5 min)
Quick summary
- We just want to share how you can use the 6 oils that come in the Make a Shift™ starter bundle so you get an idea of what you can use oils for. Young Living has over 200 oils available.
- While you don’t have to start with a starter bundle, they are a fantastic deal so we recommend it!
Note: You can purchase this whole set of oils as a starter bundle. It’s a great price and includes a diffuser. BUT you can also purchase any of the oils individually – and any purchase through our link will get you a membership to our group – AND our support.
#5: How to Use Essential Oils
(3 min)
Quick summary
- So….how do you get them into your body? You are probably familiar with breathing them in but did you also know…
- You can rub them on your skin
- You can ingest them
- AND, you can pick and choose. Don’t want to rub them on your skin? Smell them. Don’t want to ingest? Rub them on your skin.
- We encourage doing what feels best to you.
- So….how do you get them into your body? You are probably familiar with breathing them in but did you also know…
#6: One More Crucial Thought
(3 min)
Quick summary
- We have to be aware of the harsh, toxic-chemicals found in our everyday products, especially here in the US.
- AND you need to be aware of “greenwashing” which is using “green” “eco-friendly” “earth-friendly” on labels. Here in the US, those terms mean very little.
- We need to take care of our homes – because we are the gatekeepers of the products we use!
Young Living products are especially fantastic because they are also infused with essential oils, making them not only safer, but beneficial.
Ready to order?
Ready to Order?
This video will share the very best way to order to get the best deal!
While you can order anything you want to get started, we recommend STARTER BUNDLES because they are an exceptional value
Learn more about the Starter Bundles HERE
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SIMPLY :: the wellness place