:: r e s o l u t i o n s   b o o t c a m p ::

Setting Goals Worthy of Your Extraordinary Life

What will YOU say about your life one year from today?

Tired of setting the same ‘ole, same ‘ole resolutions? Maybe even stopped believing in them?

You don’t need to scrap the resolutions, just how you make them!

Oh, and it’s the best year SO FAR because what you learn will help you continue to plan amazing years – it’s just going to get better and better!

What will YOU be able to say about your life in one year?

Are you READY to set goals & resolutions that set your life on the path you REALLY want?

Do any of these sound familiar?

I have tried to set resolutions, but they never work.


I have set the same resolutions year…after year…after year…I still haven’t succeeded.


I am not really sure what I want in life.


I have things I want in life, but no energy to go for them.


I have things I want in life, but no time to go for them.


I don’t think goals work.

That’s what PLANNING YOUR BEST YEAR is all about!

During the 3 sessions, you will uncover the:

Why + What + How

of truly succeeding in goal setting so you can manifest the life of your dreams!

Specifically, you will:

Get a deeper feel for what you really want in life.

Build excitement around what it would be like to have it.

Create a plan of action that fits into your life.

Begin to figure out HOW it will manifest

AND feel ready to hit the ground running immediately!

And then you can do it all over again next year – to keep planning years that get better… and better… and better!

You will feel…

Focused + Energized + Inspired + Prepared

All ingredients for a happier, more satisfying life!

What Others Have Said About this Course & Laura

“It is so easy to sing your praises, my dear! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!”

Beth H.

“Laura, your class is not only life changing, it is MIND changing! Thank you!”

Devrey D.

“I loved the workshop and am most grateful for it and for you.”

Cynthia G.

“The workshop has stuck with me in a major way…it’s unbelievable the impact that your workshop had on my world!”

Kristen B.

Laura has helped hundreds of clients live more satisfying lives…
Experienced Yoga Educator, Author, inspiring Life Coach and Business Entrepreneur, Laura Erdman-Luntz has over 30 years experience in the fitness and wellness industries.

She uniquely blends her Life Coaching knowledge and vast experience with Yoga to create programs that truly do bring mind and body together for positive change, inspiring people to live their most authentic life.

She incorporates New Thought ideas into classes and programs on positive living, manifesting and changing subconscious beliefs.


How the Course Unfolds

SESSION #1 ::  The Why

We must begin by setting aside all the assumptions you have made about your life to step into a revised “WHY” for our lives. This session is all about getting into the inspiration of your life, the excitement!


  • Learn the 8 Reasons You Don’t Go for Your Dreams (and how you can!). These reasons are mostly subconscious – you don’t even know they are there but we will uncover them so you can move beyond!


  • Learn why change can feel so hard – and the two things you need to know to make change so much easier.


  • Finally learn exercises to help you uncover what you truly want. 


SESSION #2 ::  The What

We will break down what we discussed in Session #1 to tap more deeply into what you really want.


  • Learn how to give yourself a peek into a deeper side of you to get a better look at what you really want. Begin to break it down even more so you can develop more goals for different areas of your life.


  • Learn why you may be setting the same goals over and over again without moving forward. (Then you can give yourself some grace and break through!)


  • Learn WHY your life is the way it is right now – for good and for bad – so you can understand yourself more and get deeper into what has been holding you back. Then you can break through!


SESSION #3 ::  The How

In Session 3, we will talk about HOW to make sure these goals are reached and you will set step-by-step actions!


  • Learn the 6 steps of her manifesting program to help you get started making sure you move forward in your new year.


  • Learn the biggest mistake people make when jumping into action that makes us doomed to failure! (And it’s so each to fix!)


  • Create a plan for moving forward!


What You Receive…

3 Video Coaching Sessions

Receive 3 videos sessions from Laura – each teaching you how to take your goal setting to a deeper, more transformational place.

Workbook + Worksheets

Get a full-color, 25-page workbook to support you through the process. Included in the workbook are worksheets to help you with your planning as you go forward

Plan for Moving Forward

Most importantly, the series ends with a plan for you on how to move forward – how to make sure you keep applying what you learned!
About Laura

Get in touch.

2 + 6 =

Stay tuned.
