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I still don’t thing I have emphasized the power of self-care. It truly is your SUPER POWER. It has the power to change things. 

BUT you do need to do it well and make sure you are doing things that help YOU feel good.

Listen and comment if you have questions.

AND create your OWN powerful Radical Self-Care Tool Kit. Check out my #UpYourVibe course for a 50% discount! 

#UpYourVibe: The Radical Self-Care Tool Kit

PS: Here are the extras I mention:


Check out my Complete Beginner Yoga Series


Manifesting for Beginners
Manifest with Yoga



Private Coaching when you are ready for the ultimate, exclusive experience: Life Coaching with Laura

Hacking Happiness: A Life Coaching Quick Start: Just give me 5 days. Hacking Happiness

AND, in case you missed it above:

Create your OWN powerful Radical Self-Care Tool Kit. Check out my #UpYourVibe course for a 50% discount!

#UpYourVibe: The Radical Self-Care Tool Kit


I LOVE this thing! Here is how the website describes it:

The AromaConnect™ Wake-Up Light Diffuser is where innovation meets relaxation! This smart, first-of-its-kind, app-enabled, 4-in-1 device merges light, sound, and nature’s best scents to bring you seamless mornings and peaceful nights. 

It holds two essential oils. I have one for waking up and one for relaxation for sleep.

Check it out here: AromaConnect.

(Note: The clock is from my brand partner, Young Living, so I earn a small commission from any purchase you make via my link, at no extra cost to you.)


Here’s the thing, the vagus nerve is a SUPER EASY way to help you relax. I may do a video sometime with my favorite exercises, but for now, here are a few:

– Here is a Yoga session I share, incorporating Vagus nerve stimulation:

More info about it:

Eye Exercises I do (But I hold for 30-45 sec):

Check out the SIMPLY :: clean

the 14-day life reset

If you want to join me on my journey, whether you are in perimenopause or not, check out the reset I’ll be doing regularly each month.

READ: 7 Essential Self-Care Practices to Elevate Your

Vibration & Feel Great!

If you’re ready for self-care that actually makes a difference, then this is for you. Self-care goes beyond pampering yourself or having a night off—it’s about raising your vibration and transforming how you feel from the inside out. In this podcast episode, I’m going to show you the self-care secrets that truly work to raise your energy and boost your mood, helping you feel filled up and revitalized.

The Need for Self-Care: Why It’s More Important Than Ever

Self-care evolves as we age. Especially for those of us raised in environments where we were told “you come last” or were immersed in productivity culture – you know, you can’t rest until the list is done and it’s never done! The idea of putting yourself first can seem foreign. But if you want to live by the Law of Attraction, your cup needs to be full. You can’t manifest from a place of exhaustion, stress, or feeling drained.

Self-care is more than just a trendy buzzword—it’s an expression of the belief that you deserve good things. It’s a form of self-love, and it’s essential if you want to attract positivity into your life. Today, I’ll share 7 powerful self-care tips that will fill you up and raise your vibration. Stick around, especially for the last tip,

because it’s a game-changer!

Before we jump into the tips, I want to touch on a common misconception: the idea that self-care is toxic. For younger generations who are already practicing self-care regularly, this might seem valid. But for those of us who are of a certain age and have spent much of our lives neglecting our own needs, self-care is a radical act of self-awareness.

Let’s make self-care your superpower!

1. True Relaxation

Stress drains our energy. It sucks the vitality out of us, leaving us feeling empty. And as we age, stress has an even bigger impact on our bodies. It can cause poor sleep, weight gain, especially around the belly, and a general feeling of being run down. That’s why finding true

relaxation is so important—it’s more than just taking a break; it’s about restoring your energy reserves. It’s about getting into the parasympathetic nervous system, not just numbing out as we do with wine or watching TV. (Which, by the way, has it’s place! 🙂 BUT we also need to truly relax.)

One of my favorite ways to truly relax is with simple practices like putting my feet up against the wall and focusing on deep, intentional breathing. This resets my nervous system and brings a sense of calm. Finding what helps you relax on a deep level will reduce stress and help you feel recharged, both physically and energetically.

2. A Morning Routine That Boosts Your Energy

We all know that how we start our day impacts the rest of it, but how does this relate to the Law of Attraction? A good morning routine gets your energy up and sets a positive tone for the day. It helps you feel good and makes it more likely that you’ll stay in alignment with what you want to manifest.

Your morning routine doesn’t have to be long or complicated. Even just five minutes can make a big difference. Whether you prefer something active like a short yoga flow or a more relaxed start with meditation or mindful walking, it’s important to find what works for you. Personally, I love incorporating movement in the morning to get my energy flowing and to align myself with positivity.

3. Prioritizing Sleep and a Bedtime Routine

Sleep is often one of the first things to suffer as we get older. Many women in midlife find themselves struggling with sleep, which then impacts their mood, energy levels, and ability to stay in high vibration. The best way to combat this is by creating a solid bedtime routine that supports restful sleep.

Whether it’s using a diffuser with calming essential oils, doing gentle stretches like bedtime yoga, or journaling to clear your mind, developing a routine that signals to your body that it’s time to wind down can greatly improve your sleep. Remember, your bedtime routine is essentially the start of your morning routine—when you sleep well, you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day with positive energy.

4. MOVE: Exercise for Energy and Vibration Boosting

When it comes to exercise, many of us think more is better. But as we age, what works best for our overall wellness is often moderate-intensity exercise, or what’s called Zone 2 exercise. This kind of movement is gentle on the body, reduces stress, and helps raise your vibration without over-exerting yourself.

For me, walking while listening to an audiobook is the perfect Zone 2 exercise. It’s low-impact, helps me stay active, and lifts my mood. I even use a walking pad to walk indoors while working, which keeps me energized throughout the day. The key is to find an exercise that you enjoy, so it becomes a joyful part of your routine instead of something you dread.

5. Stretching and Yoga to Release Tension

Tension in the body is cumulative, and it can lower your vibration. That’s why regular stretching and yoga are such powerful self-care tools—they help release stored tension and raise your energy. Even just five minutes a day can make a huge difference, and consistency is more important than spending an hour once a week.

Yoga also has the added benefit of aligning your body and mind, making it an excellent practice for manifesting. I often use yoga to clear my energy and focus on what I want to attract into my life. It’s a simple yet effective way to elevate your vibration.

(Hey, want to learn? I’ve been teaching beginners for almost 35 years! Check out my beginner series: Complete Beginner Yoga Series.)

6. Hydrate for Simplicity and Energy

Hydration is probably the simplest form of self-care, yet it’s often overlooked. Drinking enough water is essential for keeping your energy levels high and your vibration up. While it might not be the easiest habit to maintain, it’s one of the most effective ways to feel good throughout the day.

Make it a priority to drink water regularly, and notice how much better you feel when you’re properly hydrated. This simple act can make a big difference in your overall energy and mood.

7. Find What You Need Right Now

Finally, self-care is not one-size-fits-all. While there are universal practices like being outdoors or staying hydrated, there are also actions that are unique to you and what you need at this moment in your life. Whether it’s a hot bath, spending time alone, learning something new, or getting lost in a novel, it’s important to figure out what fills you up.

Pay attention to how different activities make you feel and be intentional with your self-care choices. What energizes one person might not work for another, and that’s okay. Your self-care should be customized to fit your current needs and desires.

Conclusion: Start Your Self-Care Journey Today

Self-care is an ongoing practice, not a one-time event. The tips I’ve shared with you today are just the beginning, but they can have a profound impact on how you feel and how you vibrate in the world. The most important thing is to start—whether it’s trying out true relaxation, setting up a morning routine, or simply drinking more water.

Remember, self-care is an act of love. By taking care of yourself, you are raising your vibration and aligning with the life you truly want to live.

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Private Life Coaching:

For the ultimate, exclusive experience, check out private coaching with me. I usually have room for 2-3 new clients each month. You can learn more here.

hacking happiness:

Hacking happiness is my Life Coaching Quick Start course. Receive the first few steps for enjoying your life more. Learn more here.

Not ready to invest in yourself?

Totally understand! Grab this FREE ebook and watch for follow up emails and I’ll help you get started! 

WATCH: 7 Essential Self-Care Practices to Elevate Your Vibration & Feel Great!

And here is the video version! 🙂

I always share more personal stories in the video / podcast, in case you are wondering. The blog post is more to the point. I get chatty when I’m, well, chatting!

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LISTEN: 7 Essential Self-Care Practices to Elevate Your Vibration & Feel Great!

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