Long ago I read a book that literally changed everything for me: The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Lohr and Tony Schwartz.
In a nutshell, time management is dead, it’s all about energy management. There is far too much on our plates these days to even think we could manage our time well enough. We need to focus on managing our energy.The concepts I learned changed everything for me.
In this podcast episode, I share the most important point that I learned from the book that has really stuck with me and it is something you can begin to use today!
In a nutshell: Be sure to do the right thing at the right time.
Whether it is a major project or cleaning your house.
This idea applies to everything from the huge to the mundane.
When you do, the task is faster, easier and more pleasurable.
When you don’t, not only does it drain your energy, it can take significantly longer to complete it AND you often have to release adrenaline to push through it which further affects your energy.
Learning more makes it more intentional and infinitely better. 🙂
MANIFESTING :: jumpstart
Be sure to hop on the waiting list OR register if doors are open for the next virtual, 3-day training: MANIFESTING :: jumpstart. Get on the waiting list for special pricing here:
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Grab the FREE Ebook: IGNITE YOUR LIFE: 3 Fundamentals to a Truly Happy Life
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In each show, I share a wellness tip or trick you can add into your life to help you feel better and more energized.
This week: Thieves Household Cleaner
Here is the video that will help you feel like you can trust it: https://youtu.be/-y3im1fYf7A
Young Living products I have mentioned: https://tinyurl.com/LELWishlist
Other Wellness tip products: tinyurl.com/LELWellnessTools.
*NOTE: I participate in Amazon’s and Young Living’s affiliate programs and earn commissions off of both Amazon and Young Living. Thank you for purchasing through my links to support this podcast.
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CHECK OUT MY WELLNESS PODCAST: SIMPLY :: the wellness podcast:
GRAB SIMPLY :: the wellness blueprint for free.
SIMPLY :: clean: Check out info about this powerful Lifestyle Reboot and join our next one!
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Instagram: @MuseLaura
FB community: Ignite Your Life with Laura
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Thanks for listening!
XO, Laura

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