Essential oils effect us in so many ways, physically, mentally, emotionally. They can also effect us energetically, helping us shift into a higher, more attractive, vibration.
In fact, as you can probably imagine, it is one of the reasons I use them the most and include them in my yoga and coaching practices.
One of the main ways I use oils in my life is to help me in my personal growth, building the life of my dreams. As I make changes, step into new roles and new challenges, I grab an oil. (Curious how they help in that way? Check out the post I wrote on it: Let’s Talk Frequency-Vibration.)
They can help us release much of what we have stored in our tissues and cells. Do you know DNA can literally be rewritten with our stories? It’s time to unwrite them and the oils can help!
Today’s Oil: Highest Potential
Today, I want to share with you one of my VERY favorite go tos: HIGHEST POTENTIAL! In fact, it is my very favorite manifesting oil because, let’s be honest, what we really want in life, what we really want to manifest is our very best, our highest potential.
I have now committed at three different times to using HP (as I lovingly call it) for a 30-day period. One solid month of carrying it with me, smelling it, diffusing it, rubbing it on my feet before bed and just being in its essence. Each time powerful shifts have occurred in my life to get me on my right track. It was like I was being guided to the path I was suppose to be on.
Honestly, I recommend never having it far from your side because we are always working on being our Highest Potential, right? (I add it to ALL of my manifesting roll ons that I create. No matter what my mind wants to create, I want my Highest Self to win out so I am always reaching for my Highest Potential.)
But when you need it the most is when you feel stuck in your life. “Stickiness” is always the symptom of a breakthrough that needs to occur. When you feel like you know something needs to change but you just aren’t sure what it is, Highest Potential is your go to.
Highest Potential™ combines the uplifting and inspirational qualities of Australian Blue with the power of Gathering to help bring greater unity of purpose. (Gathering oil gathers all of your energy to focus it on your spiritual mission. Cool, eh?)
Jasmine is also added to enhance self-confidence, while ylang ylang calms, soothes, and harmonizes.
I created a list of my FIVE favorite oils for manifesting if you want to grab it. If you join my malling list, I will throw in my list as a gift. 🙂 (Oh, and I added a BONUS oil that will probably surprise you!)
Ready to get started?
I would love to welcome you into my oil community.
Everyone who signs up with my link receives personal support from me.
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(You will see your enroller as Senja, Inc. – that’s me!)
Questions about signing up? Here is a video to talk you through it:

Laura Erdman-Luntz
Inspired Living Guru
Inspiring Life Coach + Yoga Educator
Let Laura inspire you to step into YOUR Extraordinary Life! Enjoy the life you are already living AND feel the excitement about the Big Dream that you are creating!
Laura uniquely blends her Life Coaching knowledge and vast experience with Yoga to create programs, classes and workshops that truly do bring mind and body together for positive change, inspiring people to live their most authentic life.