Welcome to our 3-Day Challenge!

Welcome! I am so incredibly excited you have decided to join us.

This series is going to be fantastic and I can’t wait to share it with you.


Okay, a couple of items to get you started (from the video):

  • Check your inbox for an email form me: Make sure gmail isn’t keeping us apart! White List my email: muselanlaura@gmail.com. (Have no idea how? Check out this super quick video: Whitelisting.)

  • Decide WHEN you will do the practice. Are you a morning person? Then morning is the PERFECT time. If you aren’t, how about after dinner? Before bed? At lunch? Figure out YOUR best time to do the practice and then schedule it in. Make it a priority at least for 3 days.

Like the FB Page

Subscribe: YouTube channel

Check Out Your First Bonus:  

I LOVE freebies so I will be offering you a bunch! Here is your first one: a Pose Cheat Sheet printable. While we won’t do ALL of these poses in 5 days, we will get to a few and you can use this sheet for reference.

Pose Cheat Sheet Printable

Peace & miracles,


PS The more the merrier! Please share this series with your peeps. YOU will have more fun and we will get yoga into even more homes — all good!

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Hey, I just joined this FREE 3-Day Challenge to begin to learn yoga. Want to join me? http://lauraerdmanluntz.com/yogachallenge/