Life Coaching with Laura

M U S E  U P O N  T H I S:

It’s a new day…

Begin again.

Today, right now, don’t wait another moment.  There is nothing special about a Monday morning or January 1st.  They have nothing that right now doesn’t have.  I often I hear from my clients, “I fell off the wagon” “I didn’t do what I said I would do” and, of course, the comments are dripping with self-judgment.  Blah, blah, blah.  I say, “so what!”  Start again. Right now.  What choice do you want to make with your very next moment?

Somehow this seemed like the perfect way to return to writing the musings.  It is a new day!  And I am beginning again.  I am so excited to be back, too!  I have been gearing up, feeling the energy flood my being.  And here I am.

AND I am excited to feature my sister’s photography each week with the musing.  She is an amazing nature photographer.  Stay tuned.  There will be ways you can purchase her art with or without the musings as we go forward.


F E E L  G O O D  M O M E N T:

I have literally been saving this one for MONTHS, waiting to restart the musings to share it with you.

This one just makes me smile… Enjoy!