For real, y’all, I’m no expert here. I really just know what I like when I meditate. BUT I learned a couple of cool things the other day on WHY oils help my meditation practice so I shared them on my YouTube channel.

It is really very cool!

Scroll down to read about my 8 favorite oils to use for my meditation.

My 8 Favorite Meditation Essential Oils

Singles I Love

Singles refer to essential oils that contain a single ingredient. Lavender has only lavender in it, peppermint has peppermint.


Oh, let me count the ways. Suffer from Monkey Mind? This oil will help focus those thoughts down. (I love to use it for sleep — helps me drift back to sleep at 4am when I used to wake up with my mind racing. Trust me. You do NOT do your most positive thinking at 4am!)


Of course! It is the go to oil for many of us for a great bath or linen spray. Calming to the nervous system, it’ll slow those brain waves down in just a few sniffs. Please keep in mind quality makes all the difference. (There is a reason I only use Young Living here.) 

Blends I Love

Now let’s talk blends that can help you in a very specific way. Whereas singles are one oil, blends contain several oils mixed in a synergistic way. (These blends are one of the reasons I heart Young Living so much! 🙂 ) These oils affect us by tapping into the appropriate areas in our brain and/or by affecting our energy.

Highest Potential

One of my faves. I truly believe everything we do to live a brighter life should be bringing us to our highest potential. This oil has made such a difference in my life. Three times I have committed to using it daily for 30 days. All three times cool changes occurred in my life that brought me closer to my full potential.

Into the Future

Deep down, we really believe today will be like yesterday and tomorrow will be like today. But if we want to make changes in our life, eventually there must be a today that is different from yesterday, even just a little. Into the Future creates that energy.


Need I say more?


We all can use a bit of help expanding our awareness, being able to see bigger things in our life.


Release helps us let go of limiting beliefs that, if held long enough, can actually leave tags on our DNA. Release also helps us let go of anger and frustration, which often occurs when what we really want hasn’t happened yet.


Ready to receive more? Yep, acceptance will help! Acceptance allows us to accept more and more love and goodness into our lives.

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Laura Erdman-Luntz

Laura Erdman-Luntz

Inspired Living Guru

Inspiring Life Coach + Yoga Educator

Let Laura inspire you to step into YOUR Extraordinary Life! Enjoy the life you are already living AND feel the excitement about the Big Dream that you are creating!

Laura uniquely blends her Life Coaching knowledge and vast experience with Yoga to create programs, classes and workshops that truly do bring mind and body together for positive change, inspiring people to live their most authentic life.