Hey, how does saying the word “fail” feel to you?
Not so great, eh?
I get it!
Here’s the thing, to me, it’s the 4-letter f word.
Honestly, it doesn’t serve us at all to even have this word in our vernacular so I want to use this episode to unpack that a bit and help you get a new perspective.
I even have 3 tangible steps you can take when that ugly feeling comes a-knocking on your door.
Step #1: Stop saying you failed & start saying you learned!
Step #2: THEN stop feeling it by asking yourself these 2 questions:
- What did you learn? It could be a personal lesson OR what not to do next time!
- Then ask yourself: Is it something that you want to succeed at? Do you want to try again?
- —-If no, then move on.
- — If yes, ask yourself: What will you do differently this next time around? Do you need to learn more? Rest up before doing it again? Get help?
3: Finally, recover your vibration. Here are some episodes you can check out to help:
– #45: Why we get stuck in life…and how to unstick ourselves
– #39: Vibration 101 & How to Use it to Feel GREAT!
– #18: SUPER EASY Way to Teach Yourself How to FEEL BETTER in a Moment
MANIFESTING :: jumpstart
Be sure to hop on the waiting list OR register if doors are open for the next virtual, 3-day training: MANIFESTING :: jumpstart. Get on the waiting list for special pricing here:
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Grab the FREE Ebook: IGNITE YOUR LIFE: 3 Fundamentals to a Truly Happy Life
Get on the waiting list for my next MANIFESTING :: jumpstart, virtual, 3-day training: LauraErdmanLuntz.com/jump.
In each show, I share a wellness tip or trick you can add into your life to help you feel better and more energized.
This week:
Hemp Seeds
So easy! Here are the ones I use: https://amzn.to/3qQNMzP
Young Living products I have mentioned: https://tinyurl.com/LELWishlist
Other Wellness tip products: tinyurl.com/LELWellnessTools.
*NOTE: I participate in Amazon’s and Young Living’s affiliate programs and earn commissions off of both Amazon and Young Living. Thank you for purchasing through my links to support this podcast.
Find out more about the benefits of our community and how to join: Benefits
CHECK OUT MY WELLNESS PODCAST: SIMPLY :: the wellness podcast:
GRAB SIMPLY :: the wellness blueprint for free.
SIMPLY :: clean: Check out info about this powerful Lifestyle Reboot and join our next one!
Online links:
YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/LELYouTubeTV
Blog: https://www.LauraErdmanLuntz.com/Blog
Coaching Social Media:
IG MuseLaura: https://www.Instagram/MuseLaura
Ignite FB community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/MuseLaura/
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Thanks for listening!
XO, Laura

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