#38: New Year’s Resolutions Aren’t For Fixing What’s Wrong
Leave me a voicemail and I can answer it on the podcast: Voicemail.
Number one mistake people make with resolutions: They focus on what they don’t like about their lives and set their resolutions around fixing that thing.
Resolutions aren’t for fixing what’s wrong with your life
So what ARE resolutions for?
That’s what we are discussing in this episode – and it will make you so much more excited about resolutions! In fact, if you have given up on them, you will be back!
AND, if you want to join me for a FREE series: Resolutions Camp is coming at the end of December! And if you are listening after that date, I will be turning it into a course soon so you can still check it out.
[Note: Since recording this episode, I changed the name of the Goals Camp to Resolutions Camp – it’s so much better!]
Join Resolutions Camp!
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EBOOK: Ignite Your Life: The 3 Fundamentals for a Truly Happy Life
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Ignite Your Life: 3 Fundamentals to a Truly Happy Life
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- Live, online, classes: https://www.LauraErdmanLuntz.com/YogawithLaura
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In each show, I will share a wellness tip or trick you can add into your life to help you feel better and more energized.
This show: Sulfurzyme
One of my top 4 supplements!
Amazon store: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-6cac49f6
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